1998 and I'm jacked up beyond belief. I'm only a few months out of high school and so poor that I can only afford a one bed room apartment in the suburb of Denver called Westminster with my brother as a room mate. I was most certainly drunk and a little stoned off Plant
Konciousness. I'm sitting there sprawled out on the futon which played the role of my bed at night and the couch during the day. I stare up at a Sublime poster on the wall depicting the lead singer(who had died prior to the release of the last album due to a Heroin overdose) with his back turned showing off his tattoo of the bands name. Underneath it had the name of the self titled album in red. When my eyes meet the red I quickly noticed in my
stober that my heart rate increased. I wondered what was going on here. I consciously was not aware of the feelings origins I just knew I was excited. I liked the band, and still do, but not to that extreme, and besides we had other band posters up at the time and I was getting no twitter of the heart from all of them. One of those posters was
Korn's Follow the Leader album, which featured the art work of Todd
McFarlane, who was one of my favorite comic artist at the time. It was pretty much devoid of color as well..... Except for a little bit of red, when my eyes passed over the red I felt an increase in my heart rate again.
Korn's follow the leader album cover... Average album, great art work. Now I see that the
cliff can be seen as the abyss (Jump Fool) and that the numbers 1,2,3,4 split making the
2 lead into both the 3 and 4 making 23 and 42.
I realized it was red..... That's what did it.... Red got me excited. My brain had to be numb to experience it, but it was true. The next day I rode my bike to the nearest book store(that's what people did before
World War 3. It took a couple of hours to figure out that Blue is associated with the peaceful deities(which I've only recently have begun to understand) and red with the war ones like Mars and Aries. In the psychology section I found that they've actually done experiments on the colors effect on the body that validated my own experiences. They even made the comparison that most successful companies put red in their logo to stimulate a response in the customers.... Think
McDonald's(Jupiter) and Coca Cola(
KK). Also noted that it cost more to insure a red car.
The Bullseye is a symbol of the pineal gland, basically self. The red speeds up
your heart rate. The pineal has connection to the same chemicals released in your
system while having sex. Unavoidably on a subconscious level, this logo makes you
expect sex at this store. This happens at an unperceived level an will not go away
until consciously perceived(sometimes after).
1999 The Matrix comes out and as
Morpheus produces the red and blue pill I sit in the theater wondering if anyone else knows what just happened. I remembered telling a friend about the previous experience to his scoff while we were closing the
Bennigan's that I worked at the time, one night. He said that he understood because he had experienced a similar break through while listening to Bob Marley(whom I personally love)..... I
remember him saying that "Bob doesn't sing, he Preaches".... Latter I learned to agree with him, and he actually came back to me after The Matrix and said "Maybe your right". The weird thing is that he noted a completely different scene than the pill one..... I still have been unable to spot the blinking red and blue lights behind
Neo's head that he mentioned, but I feel that that is besides the point. The fact is that he came to me about the same exact movie that I felt proved my theory. It started something in me that kinda got out of control for awhile, it validated me. I went then to my brother who simply asked "are you in a cult?". I then went to a old friend who has been pegged a genius sense we were kids(IQ 180) to see what he thought of the "red blue thing" he listened thoroughly, smirked, and said "they're both prime colors, you know".... Poof! Deflated again. Now, latter, however, I understand the fact that if any colors would be
archetypal, prime colors would be.

I'll tell you what I've known for awhile to try and get us back into the
floW here. Above are the
Chakras. First I'd like to illustrate that the
Chakras do not exist in a physical form. The diagram that is pretty much standard above works as a meditation device much like the meditative images of deities in so many religions. Like the deities the
Chakras reside in the mind of man. They are usually shaped in a lotus blossom because like all Plant
Konsciousness they unfold. They are an illustration of the energy blocks they need to be unplugged, if you would, to release the true potential or consciousness of the individual. There are two kinds of
konsciousness that we are dealing with in this discussion, the one in your head, and then true consciousness, that penetrates all form, time, and being. The red one over the privates is considered the
Chakra of doing. If you think about it it makes sense considering that that area is what spawns all doing anyway. The Blue one marked by the 5 is considered the
Chakra of being. Now like the Hebrew Tree of Life the
Chakras aren't really a problem that can be solved(as Jung said) they are a state of mind that needs to be transcended. Meaning that things might not make sense to you at some level now, but latter that will change.

There is so much work spanning centuries on the Tree of Life that by no means do I want you to take what I say as from an expert. In fact to some levels it might be damn right contradictory to what you may know yourselves. However, widely excepted is that 5 or
Geburah(on the tree of life above) is associated with red. It acts as a balance to the other side of the tree which is 4 or
Chesed which in turn is associated with Blue.
Geburah is Judgment, Justice, Severity, Mars, and Scorpio the Back Stabber.
Chesed is Love, Mercy, Jupiter, Sagittarius which points to Galactic Center(age of
Geburah equals 216 through the numerical equivalent to the Hebrew letters. 216 of course is 6x6x6. The fear that one might get from those numbers should be dealt with because we have 666 appearing everywhere in the bible form
Salmon's temple to the Ten Commandments, it's a sign of
accession, through
destruction, but it takes on a deadly symbol for a reason. It's the Anti-Hero. The one that shatters ideas and
thoughts of reality like Jesus,
Dyonis, or Alister Crowley. It has a Balance with the one that
receives in(
Chesed) while it pushes away(
Geburah/5). Everything in the tree of life is about Balance, but there is a reflection here.

Above is the Tree of Life presented with Mercy(Blue/
Chesed/4) and Severity(Red/
Geburah/5) switched. In fact everything gets confused because it crosses back and forth so much that you don't now what's good or bad anymore. Think of the brain stem. Your left brain actually controls the right hand. Even everything you see gets turn up side down and turned around before translating what it means. It is widely excepted at this point in mans symbolism(meaning wiki) that the "left hand" is Severity/Red/
Guburah. Interesting facts about the left hand is that it is said that all
Atlantians were left handed. Meaning that in the past everything was done with the left hand. In the golden age so to speak. Don't roll your eyes I don't right this shit, I'm just the messenger. Also most magic spells call for the gestures to be made with the left hand.... Now in current events would be the fact that 6 of the last 12
Presidents of The
United States of America have been left handed.... And so is Obama.... Or so I

The reason there is a reflection is because when you are looking at the picture above you are suppose to be looking at a mirror reflection. so the 5 would be your left hand and the 4 would be your right. The picture below would be you looking at the
archetypal man or Adam(think Atom, Atman,
Aton). And guess who that
archetypal man is? You.

In the
Matrix the Mirror effect is stunningly used.
Morpheus holds out the blue pill in his Left hand.... Wait that's wrong, Blue is not left?

However what the
archetypal man sees is the right hand. There in the
reflective sunglasses. Hold out your hand like it's you(the
archetypal man) in the mirror. It's your right hand.
Ok lets see that other pill

Now lets reflect....

Now it seems that when we are faced with red and blue no matter what the cause is we get confused. In fact wither intentionally or not it seems to be used against us, speaking for the layman. However what needs to be striven for and what we hold to be most high(I'll explain latter if you get what I'm saying before hand, please allow me some slack and don't blow it) is the balance between the two.

Also looking back on the past we need to notice the fact that that Red and Blue correlate to the White and Black polarity.
Jaquin and
Boaz are polarized. Like the police lights here in America the entrance to most Egyptian and Hebrew Temples were flanked with a
positive negative form of symbolism, basically both confuse the hell out of us and then causing a need to reorganize the
subconscious mind. One was Black the other is White and the
priest's hands had to match that polarity while entering and exiting the place of worship(put your hands on your head and back up! Get on your stomach, your under arrest). Your red hand had to be against the matching monolith and opposite your blue hand.
Please understand that if you look at cards like this one and write small things off like the Crest Moon at Isis feet and the Pomegranates behind her, as being mundane and unimportant, the symbolism will have a very potent effect on your decision making at a latter date.... 80 percent of our decision's are made on a subconscious level meaning that 80 percent of our decision making is made with information that we are not consciously aware of!
Blue=Dark. Red goes with White. The
polarized game was played while both entering and exiting the Temples. When
Neo is faced with entering the real world,
therefore closer to god and the truth, his
priest as Lawrence
Fishborne presents him with this same confusion.

Right hand in the Mirror corresponding to the reflected
Archetypal Mans Left in the picture below. Hold out your hand on the same side as
Neo's reflection to see who the
Archetypal Man is.

The Material World of
Neo is symbolism by the Mirror in the same
connotation as the Myth's of
Dionysus and
Narcissus. Both the ancient Myths are symbols of the Hero(Immortal Mortal) becoming infatuated by the material reflection of them self. Easily enough the symbolism is very basic and
bland. All most makes you giggle. However it's correlation to the Looking Glass(first the rabbit hole now this) is straight up fucking well played.

Neo's material world
view becomes unbroken and reality
presents itself.


Once again we are digging on Balance and the 5 Geburah and 4 Chesed dueling it out. Remembrance 5/Geburah/Red/Left..... 4/Chesed/Blue/Right. It needs to be pointed out that the Left would be considered the Masculine/Factual/Lion side. The Right would be the Feminine/Imagination/Unicorn side.

The Geburah side although not necessarily bad is the side that pushes away. The Left had basically is severity like mentioned above and pushes against. The Blue is the one that pulls in to itself. It's the feminine, that receives the pushing. It seems that England would probably have alot of nuts up there in to bondage as the coat of arms might suggest.... Just saying. Now this pushing and pulling with the hands is where we get the phrase...
"The Left hand doesn't know what the Right hand is doing"
Or the title of this post. But, oddly enough there is a correlation that has been excepted in modern science. This is unbelievably perfect in the MiRRoring of the ancient symbol. It is called the Doppler Effect or Red/Blue Shift in the spectrum.

We use this in Astronomy to know if objects are drifting towards or away from us in space. If the light from the object shifts towards the red side of the spectrum then it is drifting away or pushing against us. If it is blue then it is drawing closer.

How the ancient knowledge, that most would find boring or mundanely insignificant, can be so unnoticeable but immaculately parallel to modern science is beyond my guessing. Unless everything is exactly the way it should be.

The balance again is being addressed and in the Star War Trilogy Anikin Skywalker(a name reminiscent of the Aninaki, Loki, and therefore Lucifer the fallen angel) is one who shall bring Balance to the force.

Seen here in Episode 3 holds a X shape crossing of Light Sabers to Count Doku's neck.

The Red Light Sabre is held in Anakin's Left hand, the Blue his Right perfectly representing the Archetypal Man.

If we can see him as entering a temple then this would be a sacrifice in church basically. The head being found right above the X making a skull and crossbones. The X is everywhere really mainly because of Generation X. These individuasl I categorize as Indigo Children because the birth dates for both categories fall at about the same range.... 1977 to about 97 or around there. Indigo Children are titled as such because their Aura supposedly emanates blue.... Making them blue gods. Drawing inward.

Kali also is all about Balance. In some stories is said to unmercifully(severity) cut of the heads of her own children to Balance the universe or something like that. Notice that there is another crescent on her husband Shiva under her feet. Mentionable is that sacrifices are equal to offerings to gods, like a tenth of your tobacco to acknowledge that balance of energy injected in to the human machine(spirit) to produce said tobacco.
The peep hole becomes a pineal gland. To see behind the door of the unknown.
The No Sign becomes the world OZ the land of the dead or place where spirit dwells. A sacrifices or offering of tobacco. Basically you can see Spirit demanded reward for it's "hand" in making our produce. We have abused that so Cancer arises as does a growing "No" smoking policy. The "No" sign as modern symbol of Z inside an O comes from Ghostbusters resonating the Spirit Realm as well.

Double Kotze shit just to fuck with the Rhythm.

Also noted is the relationship between which hand of Anakin is Mechanical.... That being his right and therefore his "Blue" hand. As is obvious the blue is associated with the spirit. Above we have Hellboy 2. Johann Krauss is a pure Tin Man. Machine completely controlled by and unseen essence or spirit. Notice the PP on his towel.... Why does he have a towel?

Here we see his blue tint of pure spirit.... The red skin of HellBoy is the pushing of the material body. I mean really if you pay attention to color Hellboy gets weird, plus you have this weird X-Men sync going on with Hellboy being called red his partner is blue (The word blue is used alot during the flick). You See the Beast in there, then there's Nighcrawler(father forgive me). Frasier and Niles doing the voice for Abraham and the Beast.... Side Show Bob.... And the other guy, red hair blue hair..... Sorry I'm rambling..... Where did I put that floW.... Oh, here it is.

Oz sign above Hellboys head.

When faced with the Machines in Hellboy 2 Krauss releases the spirit and enters the machine.

He changes the machine red color to a blue.... And then proceeds to kick some red machine ass.


Once again making the spirit blue and machine red.... Think Terminator, and the Matrix(blue pill your still in the machine, red you are out of machine... Pushed away or against... War). Just for syncs and giggles think about your blood and how it is red while out of you and blue within.

Arthur C Clarkes Odyssey series had the Spirit of David Bowman intertwine with Hal 9000 to become the Star Child.

Notice the machine is depicted as a red pineal gland circle symbol. Below we have a 5 in side a red circle as well... On a Machine of course.

In fact the machine has become the new boundary between the spirit world and the material. Here is the Mach 5 from Speed Racer. 5 being Gaburah then we are perfectly sane in saying that the #5 is the connection of the machine injected with spirit.

#5 injected with Spirit in Short Circuit.

Pixars Cars featured little Lightning McQueen. A Car with a personality as if it were alive. The Lightning is also on his side going through the #5 or Guburah. However 9+5 is 14.... And 1+4 is 5.... See where I'm going with this.

Speed in Speed Racer is instructed specifically not to think of the car as a dead piece of metal... It's a living breathing entity.

The Movie even has cars making DNA symbols as if to imply that our bodies themselves are the high performance vehicles they are presenting as RacecaRs.

If you think about the word speed then you notice that it has two E's in it. The E of course is the 5th letter of the Alpha-Beth, Making the word Speed Racer have all kinds of crazy implications, pure unintentional and quite beautiful.

Keanu Reeves(EE), DeNNis HoPPer, Sandra BuLLock. Came out in 1994(1+9+9+4=23[2+3=5]) same as Dumb and Dumber both stared JeFF Daniels as well. get Ready for Rush hour makes a cross on Neo's head acknowledging the place where the machine would be plugged into him(penetrating like a penis), which just happens to look like a pineal gland as well(in the Matrix I mean). Also of importance if you make E the 5 you have the #5 look alike WaLL-E make a lot more sense. Wall-5?


If Target is the Pineal Gland and the Masculine pushing of Red. Then the store target is literally fucking you in the head.... NOw think about Neo's shit again.
Libre 777 by Alister Crowley Geburah has the associations to the four fives of the
Christ Returning,
Sulphur, and
Tobacco. (Not a complete list)
In Speed the bus can not go below 50mph or it will explode.
JeFF Daniels plays "HaRRy Temple" in Speed and "HaRRy DuNNe" in Dumb and Dumber.
Love and Thanks
I've wondered what was going on with these two colors and you just explained it beautifully.
Red/Fire = Out, Blue/Water = In. Let the Spirit floW into your life like Water and then Fire it out into the world through action.
Blue = infusion with Spirit. Now I'm beginning to 'get' why all these blue skinned people are appearing with more and more regularity. A sign that we're all being infused? Fits in nicely with my current beliefs.
Love all the 23 syncs down the right column. In the movie 'The Number 23' JC tells us that 23 = Red.
Red = 2+3 = 5
In the Rider-Waite we see that 4 = The Emperor. He's Red but passive (i.e. Blue). When combined he's the King (4 = 11:11 = Balance).
In card number 5 we see The Heirophant taking action, speaking his truth (i.e Red). We also see a Red guy on his left hand side of the card, and a Blue on the right, fitting with the prespective of the Archetypal Man (i.e. Us). Your analysis seems to fit in nicely. You've given me a key so I'm going to start playing about with it and see what I can unlock with it. Cheers!
Hell, I had some Blue Hand syncs coming up in my next post and now I'm going to have to chew it all over and digest the syncnificance of what I've just read.
So much great stuff in this post. Many thanks.
Just yesterday I was sharing an observation of a Pearl Jam show I attended last summer. I am slightly out of the concert scene, so I was able to observe with fresh eyes.
The entire event was a glorious mass (hypnosis) that used as sacraments pulsating/flashing RED lights (spot, strobe and on a large screen) and driving DISCORDANT music (no red with their melodic songs, though I don’t remember, I bet they flashed BLUE for those). Couple that with the sacred geometry from the open-domed amphitheater where they played and it was a sight to behold!
All the senses provide roads inward. Your excellent analysis can easily be applied to music/octaves as purposefully proven and delicately demonstrated by Steven Halpern, et al.
Great work, greatly in-joyed it.
PS-regarding Sandra Bullock-note her posture on the current movie poster for The Proposal: undeniable centaur. SA certainly resonates Sagittarius and BULLock brings me to bullseye. But then again, bullock also makes me think bollocks which is bullshit as in her initials: SB/BS, lol/101
That really POPed!
Loved it
Be deep well
Word Veri:
back E or 5 like your Sublime poster?
I suppose prayer could be considered as outgoing mail and meditation is incoming. I have read most of ReGardie's Pommegranete stuff and feel that it has nothing on 21st century man's access to information.
Best you have done shaman!!
Your Mom must be proud!!!
I know it's fucking crazy aRRowhead(bowman) I'm sure that it helps your research because you had a lot of this shit already. I really felt pulled to right it soon. Thanks for making it blossom in my noggin'.
You make me think of BuLLocks other movie with REEVES, Winston. Peal Jam would be cool to go to.
Thankyou sir....
ericswan, beware the ninja assassins.
Raven MoM is proud... Or so she says. She is a driving force because she sends me these crazy cabbalah books through the post that help cross reference this shit. She is fantastic and I'm happy to be lucky enough to have a parent that won't call me crazy for this shit.
Love and Thanks
I better put myself inside one of those magic circles real quick. East, South, West and North. Hey that's an anagram.
Noticed that u corresponded the peephole withe pineal gland and above number 214 , which via Hebrew = RVCh [ 200+6+8] which means 'mind' .
Also found some info on the cornerstone constellations [ via John Pratt] that says the UNICORN is Taurus, one horned as its the type of wild ox whose horns point forward, and from a profile 'may' be called UNICORN.
He actiually has an article called ' The Lion and The Unicorn testify of Christ'
ericswan... I knew it, you are the Illuminatus!
affeRRismoon, you have no idea how much you just helped me.... Of course I was working on related material and didn't have all the pieces... Thankyou so much.
I hope you're not trying to tell me you are left handed too.
{Kappa-Epsilon-Phi-Alpha-Lambda-Eta Iota-Zeta}
There is a Swan whose name is Ecstasy: it wingeth
from the Deserts of the North;it wingeth through
the blue; it wingeth over the fields of rice; at its
coming they push forth the green.
In all the Universe this Swan alone is motionless; it
seems to move, as the Sun seems to move; such
is the weakness of our sight.
O fool! criest thou?
Amen. Motion is relative: there is Nothing that is
Against this Swan I shot an arrow; the white breast
poured forth blood. Men smote me; then, per-
ceiving that I was but a Pure Fool, they let me
Thus and not otherwise I came to the Temple of the
This should be comment 11 right?
{Kappa-Epsilon-Phi-Alpha-Lambda-Eta Iota-Zeta}
There is a Swan whose name is Ecstasy: it wingeth
from the Deserts of the North;it wingeth through
the blue; it wingeth over the fields of rice; at its
coming they push forth the green.
In all the Universe this Swan alone is motionless; it
seems to move, as the Sun seems to move; such
is the weakness of our sight.
O fool! criest thou?
Amen. Motion is relative: there is Nothing that is
Against this Swan I shot an arrow; the white breast
poured forth blood. Men smote me; then, per-
ceiving that I was but a Pure Fool, they let me
Thus and not otherwise I came to the Temple of the
Johnny Mnemonic in 199-Five, Keanu has a chip in his head, Johnny Five is alive!
It is strange that the Unicorn which you associate with the feminine, appears to have a penis, and the phallic horn. While the lion with his claws painted red, though muscular, is very feminine. Perhaps the female of the species is more deadly than the male? And exerts more control?
"The Bullseye is a symbol of the pineal gland, basically self. The red speeds up
your heart rate. The pineal has connection to the same chemicals released in your
system while having sex. Unavoidably on a subconscious level, this logo makes you
expect sex at this store. This happens at an unperceived level an will not go away
until consciously perceived(sometimes after)."
Reminds me of the movie from the 80s where the dude and the chick get stuck in the target and its nothing but sexual tension until she tell him to take her away from her reality as a rich girl. I tryed to look up the title.
Cool post so far...
"Perhaps the female of the species is more deadly than the male? And exerts more control?"
Absolutely. I'm still amazed at the way a women can control my mind...
The lion is king, but without the lioness -the expert hunter- nobody eats.
Shaman: I just saw Wall-E for the first time; I had no idea...
Pure gnosis. Beautiful.
Blue bloods makes more sense to me now.
Nice post :D One day I'm going to have to try and copy some of this into the synchro wiki for others to enjoy!
After you mention being blown off by people who you talked to, you said "I'll tell you what I've known for awhile to try and get us back into the floW here." This reminded me of a sticker on a car I just saw, which comes from the Christian clothing store "C2K," their motto is "Not of This World." The sticker said (something like) "Don't go with the flow." I guess meaning stick to your Christian beliefs, but more importantly, stay inside you box and don't FloW. A kind of depressing message seen thru our new glasses, and certainly one suited for dogmatic belief structures.
As a 'sinister' lefty, and a twin, I found it interesting that twins have a higher chance to be left-handed (adding to the duality theme? I'm a dude with a twin sister, and we're both lefties!).
So, has anyone mentioned that Luke Skywalker, with robotic right hand like his father, flew his X-Wing fighter under the call-sign of "Red 5"?
Haha, the word verification I have to do to leave a comment here is 5 red letters: "prick" !!!
Oh, fuck yeah.... That's perfect.
"Red 5 standing by"... I'm gonna add that to the notes...
the image of the collective unconsciousness mapped to the tree of life stuck in my mind since i first saw it last week. well lo-n-b-hold, yesterday someone sent me some info from roberto assagioli, father of psychosynthesis, (i hadnt heard of him before then) sure enough he is the guy who came up with the collective consciousness image you used.
thanks for the cues!
Hey Winston.... I ripped the picture when I took it off the scanner... Broke my heart. Cracked my ego I'll move it over into the Shaman Archives sooner or latter.
very cool stuff, great associations
There's a lot of work to do, and I'm glad that you're endeavouring to take part in it & to uphold it. Here's yet another treeform system of High Magic that the Q'uabbalah kinda reminds me of, although its roots run far deeper. I give to you the Elven Tree of Life Eternal. Not for the weak-minded or faint of heart. Careful of its branches, though. I wouldn't wanna See(r) you stepping out on a limb. We're (k)NOT(work) all that wascally wabbit, Buggs Bunny.
Always good to visit here,
Anadæ Effro (•:-)}
The Target symbol represent the female breast.
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