I first heard of the 23 enigma from William S Burroughs, author of Naked Lunch, Nova Express, etc. According to Burroughs, he had known a certain Captain Clark.... -Robert Anton Wilson 1977 article from Fortean Times 23...
What a fantastic year 1977 must have been. Apple Computers was incorporated, Snow falls in Miami, Florida (despite its ordinarily tropical climate) for the only time in its history, Star Wars opens in cinemas and subsequently becomes the then-highest grossing film of all time, Roots begins its phenomenally successful run on ABC, The cool thing about that little fact is that ABC is 123 and the show started on January 23. Easy as 123.... Never mind.
All 1977 this cluster as well. The first Apple II computers go on sale, David Berkowitz is captured in Yonkers, New York, after over a year of murders in New York City as the Son Of Sam, The Big Ear, a radio telescope operated by Ohio State University as part of the SETI project, receives a radio signal from deep space; the event is named the "WOW!" signal for a notation made by a volunteer on the project, Elvis Presley, the king of rock and roll dies in his home in Graceland at age 42, The United States launches the Voyager 2 spacecraft, INTERPOL issues a resolution against the piracy of video tapes and other material, which is still cited in warnings on opening pre-credits of videocassettes and DVDs today.... But see the most interesting one for me was the one about a space shuttle, The NASA Space Shuttle, named Enterprise, makes its first test free-flight from the back of a Boeing 747 Shuttle Carrier Aircraft...
The first issue of the 23 and airplanes came to me in the movie Supper Mario Brothers.

We saw the number 23 as the W in a recent post here on the Whole... 93 million miles away...

According to Burroughs, he had known a certain Captain Clark around 1960 in Tangier, who once bragged that he had been sailing 23 years without an accident. That very day, Clark’s ship had an accident that killed him and everybody else aboard. Furthermore, while Burroughs was thinking about this crude example of the irony of the gods that evening, a bulletin on the radio announced the crash of an airliner in Florida, USA. The pilot was another captain Clark and the flight was Flight 23. -Robert Anton Wilson 1977 article from Fortean Times 23...
Burroughs started calling the number the number of death.... And yeah I can see it. It's there in Psalms 23... You know, the whole she bang? But the number 23, I'd imagine, is of no consequence to the dead. The dead probably had no noticeable connection on a personal level to that number before death at all. The point is 23 is not a number for the dead, it's about living with the dead. You only see the number 23 during life. What a grand world we live in if this is not on purpose.
I like when she says don't start out with a theory you might miss the truth.
Her name is Judy Woods. If you listen long enough you'll see things that look absolutely like they are from an Alan Dean Foster 1970's Sci Fi novel. There is no explanation other than something that is beyond what I personally have been told is possible in this day and age. Zap building gone..... Simple and clean. I even started to see the temples melt like wax while watching the old film stock of 911. Had this whole chain of candle syncs.... Twin Towers as candles has already been seen in the free masonic tracing board.
The image of what Judy Woods is saying and the actual footage of the a star gate like event in the movie Super Mario Brothers is unmistakably connected. I spent a week, maybe longer, slumping around thinking that Aliens intervened and had zapped everyone out of the WTC... However that just doesn't make sense. People died on that day, and I must never become cold to that fact. And yet I'm a guerrilla ontologist and what "is" must be challenged.
Stay tuned for Flight 23 pt 2: Turbulence.
Love and Thanks